Interaction design is the practice of designing interactive digital products, environments, systems and services. It connects the digital world with the human one. Some concepts to think about when starting interaction design is define how users can interact with the interface, consider feedback and response time and to simplify the learnability. Those are what I found to be the most important concepts to think about in this article. Next it talked about some principles which are relatively the same for the process in creating any good design. These principles are Motion (There are contemporary motions for touch screen devices that most people already know like swiping left to go through photos. This can help for an easier user experience) , Space ( Is the space only in a screen or does it also take place in the physical world) , Time ( The amount of time a user spends with each interaction is very important for keeping them interested to move forward) , Sounds ( While some users love it, others are quickly annoyed. When using sound in interactions, always account for users who will disable the function; the design needs to work just as effectively without it.), Aesthetics ( Does the look have any emotional impact?), Color ( Consider bright and engaging hues especially for mobile and watch apps) , Typography, Contrast, and Readability.